The philharmonic VIENNA STRAUSS - SOLOISTS are as the successors of that legendary ensemble, which played at the first public appearances of Johann Strauss at the "Dommayer Casino" in 1844.
Like the original band of Strauss, the members of the Strauss – Soloists are exclusively musicians from the Vienna State Opera, which in former times was called "The Court – Opera House".
The special formation of the Strauss – Soloists is not the only similarity with the original Strauss Ensemble: They appear in the original group of instruments with 12 members and are led by their conducting violinist in the same style of Johann Strauss.
The inspiration of the great master was primarily derived from his efforts to establish his independence from his dominant father. The STRAUSS - SOLOISTS also feel that they are on their own path: As an alternative to their membership with the Vienna Philharmonic, it is their aim to preserve the very original style, in which Johann Strauss began his carreer.
As in the legendary concert programs of Strauss, their repertoire also presents the musical gems of his contemporary friends, like Brahms, Wagner, Tchaikovsky and Rossini.
Our main workplaces, the Vienna State Opera and the "Golden Hall" of the Musikverein.
Performances with dancers of the Vienna Stateballet from the State Operahouse offer audiences the visual charm of waltzes, polkas and gallops in an overall unique audio-visual sensation.
More in this category: The Conducting Violonist - Harald Krumpöck | Johann Strauß - the younger | The Strauß Family | Music Samples |