About us


Dear visitor to my homepage,


Please allow me to introduce myself to you as an impresario:

I could not imagine a really happy life without my violin and my work as a pedagogue is a great interest for me. Besides I also work with enthusiasm as a cultural manager. Since my early years at the "High School for Music Students") I showed an inclination to influence something:At this time I organized small groups and first appearances; we used to play chamber music in churches or at smaller events. 

The reason I became a registered cultural manager was after the tragic loss of the founder of the VIENNA STRAUSS SOLOISTS, Professor Kay Williams, in 1995. Fate required me to continue managing that top ensemble. Later I added other groups and artists and therefore my management talent developed. Between 2005 and 2009 I lived in Japan, where I had a dear friend: He ran an academy for management and said "You have got talent, you should learn management more precisely.”  Therefore I studied it.

A competent music agent should know as much as possible about culture and it´s scene. As an active musician I am lucky to have good insight into the world of music. As part of a "large family of artists", much useful advice is available from prominent artist – colleagues. Co-operation with good agencies devoted to the arts has led to lasting friendships more, good agencies use to cooperate friendly in the sense of the arts. This has a particularly positive influence in the cultural business. 

Please ask me for interesting programs music with different styles and formations: There are small groups, large orchestras, bands, or soloists available with repertoires from early music, classical, folklore to entertainment music for every occasion.

Always wishing best entertainment, sincerely    

Laszlo Barki


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